Cool Tattoo Design

Everybody wants to have a cool tattoo design. There have been so many boons to the craft in recent years, that the practice of tattooing has prospective artists turning from traditional paintings on canvas, to making average people their own personal Picasso. If there is one thing any person who is showing off a new tattoo wants to hear, it is, "Wow - that is a cool tattoo design!" I am pretty sure that a tattooist enjoys hearing that about his or her work as well!

The problem with attempting to find the coolest tattoo design, is that so many people want so many different designs. I actually went through the trouble of calling several tattoo shops in the city closest to me. The three most popular tattoo designs lately, tend to be flowers for women, and skulls for men. When it came to tattoos that both men and women are getting, celestial stars and tribal designs won over the others. Now, as I say this next bit, I truly mean no serious offense to the ladies who have gotten lower back tattoos, but, as I searched through the yellow pages and asked several tattooists my questions.

Designs For Feminine Tattoos

Many women who are looking for feminine tattoos may feel that feminine designs are limited and not that prevalent in the tattoo world. Not the case at all! There are many available choices for feminine designs. Here are a few great choices for feminine tattoos, and one you may be very, very surprised to read!
Flower Designs.

Flower tattoos cover a wide spectrum of design ideas. You can choose from several different flower designs, which can be inked in very feminine colors. You can have one flower, or a series of smaller flowers connected by a vine. Flower tattoos are incredibly feminine, pretty, and sexy.
Butterfly Designs.

Butterfly tattoos can be very beautiful, intricate, detailed, colorful and feminine tattoos. Butterflies are beautiful creatures and translate over to ink very well. They are the one design that you will predominantly see on females (even some males have flower tattoos.) But the butterfly tattoo is a common choice for women due to it's strong representation of femininity.
Dragon Designs.

Here's where I may lose readership altogether suggesting a dragon tattoo is a feminine tattoo! But I firmly feel that some of the best dragon tattoos I have seen have been worn by females. And it definitely projected femininity in both beauty and strength. Women are very strong individuals and the dragon tattoo can be a perfect feminine representation of this quality. Like the butterfly, the dragon can be very intricate, colorful, and beautiful. But unlike the butterfly it gives an extra boost of feminine strength to the overall design.

The Chinese Tattoo Dragon

The Chinese are an ancient culture and the art of tattooing extends back to at least the time of the ancient silk trades when routes from central Asia and the Pacific crossed through southern China bringing more than just material goods. From at least that time on, Chinese tattoos have developed into the intricate, beautiful and symbolic art which typifies them today.
Chinese tattoos, always very much in demand, are still extremely popular today. We can recall from so many movies and mystery novels how they were at one time the domain of the Mafia and criminals. Eventually, Hollywood stars were sporting these designs, especially the Chinese tattoo dragon. Most people realize that there are hidden meanings in these images, but the truth is that their beauty can be appreciated whether we know what subtleties there are, or not.
Of course the primary requirement any of us should have in choosing a tattoo is the aesthetic. We want to love looking at it and want other people to admire it as well. Chinese tattoos are excellent discussion objects because they traditionally are more than just "pictures;" they are symbols as well and reputedly contain hidden meanings. The stories behind these ancient images make for some great conversation.

Chinese Tattoos Symbols, Designs, Ideas And Themes

Recently there's been a huge rise in the field of tattooing. With popular TV shows like Miami Heat in LA Inc. being broadcast on national TV more and more people are getting tattoos. Of particular fascination to many are Chinese tattoo symbols and designs. The art of tattooing in China actually dates back much farther then its western counterpart. In the West until he didn't come into fashion until very late in the 20th century and mainly in the early 21st century. However, the art of tattooing has a long history in many Asian cultures including China, Japan, and even Thailand just to name a few. What is ironic about this is typically tattoos are used in many of the Asian cultures to mark criminals and other social deviants.

Regardless of the past Chinese tattoo symbols have been widely adopted into the western tattoo lexicon. The mystique and foreignness of an Asian tattoo and the beauty of Chinese and Japanese writing have really sparked a lot of interest among western tattoo enthusiasts. There are many beautiful Chinese designs of themselves well to the art of tattooing. However in much of Asia since tattooing was done in criminals and social deviants many of the designs are very large and often full body pieces especially in Japan. These often are very expensive designs and take many hours in a tattoo shop this is led many western tattoo enthusiasts to opt for Chinese symbols. The beautiful script used in China lends itself well to creating a mysterious and ancient looking tattoo that is not easily discernible by the average Westerner.